Capital City Nurses
4601 North Park Ave
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Phone: 301-986-9129
Fax: 866-687-7307

Visiting Angels
804 Pershing Dr.
Unit #110
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301-355-6578
Fax: 301-355-7829

After surgery, compression garments are worn to compress the surgical area(s) to reduce swelling, minimize complications, and promote healing. Patients are instructed to wear compression continuously until coming in for their first follow up visit.
At that time, Dr. Singh will instruct you to continue with the initial stage compression or recommend a second stage specialty compression garment or Spanx/ Under Armour.
The duration of compression garment usage is dependent on what the doctor’s customized treatment plan recommends based on the type of surgery you had and your healing progress.
Abdominal Binders are used for the following procedures:
- Tummy Tuck
- Mini Tummy Tuck
- Flank Liposuction
- Lower Abdomen Liposuction
- Full Abdomen Liposuction
- Hernia Repairs
We require patients to wear their compression binders 24/7 until their first follow up visit.
Bandeau Straps are used for:
- Breast Augmentations (Silicone, Saline, or Gummy Bear)
To help the implants “settle” into a natural tear drop shape, some patients use the bandeau strap.
This garment gives the right amount of pressure to the top of the chest to help the implants fall into place. Dr. Singh may advise the use of this garment after surgery when he sees you at your follow up visit.
Male Chest Compression Garments are used for:
- Pectoral Implants
- Gynecomastia (Laser Liposuction and/or Direct Excision)
- FTM Top Surgery
- Pre- Axilla, Axillary Liposuction
- Back Liposuction
- Abdomen Liposuction
- Abdomen Etching
Body Shapers and Lower Body Tights are used for:
- Back Liposuction
- Multi Area Trunk Liposuction (Abdomen, Flanks, Back, Supra Pubic)
- Inner & Outer Thigh Liposuction
- Brazilian Buttock Lifts BBL
- Calf Liposuction
- Some Tummy Tucks with combined Liposuction
This type of compression delivers the right amount of pressure to all of the areas treated with liposuction.
Arm Compression Garment:
After arm liposuction or a brachioplasty (arm Lift), most patients are required to wear a specialized arm compression garment for at least one to two weeks.
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